Village Capital announced the winners of the $50,000 prize awarded to social entrepreneurs who don’t “self-define as social entrepreneurs”. The winners didn’t start out thinking of themselves as social enterprises. Grant Scams? Learn How to Identify and Avoid Grant ScamsMore...
Learn more abouthow to avoid falling for student loan repayment scamsas you revisit your repayment plans. TheConsumer Financial Protection Bureauprovides resources on student loans and repayment, including the basics onfinding information on your personal loans,deciding between repayment options, and even...
Grant Scams? Learn How to Identify and Avoid Grant Scams
beware of grant scams that may pose as the CFDA but are trying to defraud you. The government warns that agents claiming to be with the "Community for Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA)" or a similarly named organization, and not the federally-run Catalog of Federal Domestic ...
An extradition hearing is the legal proceeding in which evidence is reviewed to determine if there is probable cause to grant the extradition request. By waiving the hearing, that review of evidence is waived, meaning they can proceed with necessary steps to face trial where a person has ...