Over the next five years the government expects to spend $60 billion more than before, almost half of it to increase health transfers to the provinces and territories and further expand the national dental-care program the Liberals are creating as part of their deal with the New Democrats. Den...
Net metering: Net metering is a billing mechanism that allows you to receive credits on your utility bill for any excess electricity your solar energy system generates and sends back to your local grid. Rebates from the state: If you receive a rebate from your state there is no impact on ...
PSAC workers and supporters picket outside the Canada Revenue Agency office in Sudbury, Ont. on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. Canada's largest federal public-service union and the federal government remain at the bargaining table as workers strike and service disruptions begin...
Blowing Smoke : Why the Current Government Incentive Regime Makes EVs and PHEVs a Distant Prospect — and How to Fix It The government must resolve these concerns using a multifaceted strategy that combines consumer education; switching the tax credit on EVs and PHEVs to an upfront rebate; bro...
September 23, 2023 New York City public school.The extremist House Republicans’ extortion demand to cut spending by 8% – or else they will shut down the government – will cost up to40,000fewer teachers, aides, or other key staff across the country, affecting26 millionstudents in schools ...