Federal Funds Rate是银行A问银行B借钱时,银行B要收A的利率 Discount Rate是指银行A向中央银行借钱时,央行收的利率
选E。buying government bonds on the open market。中央银行在公开市场上卖出政府债券是企图减少流通中基础货币以紧缩货币供给,提高利率。相反的,要降低利率,就买入政府债券。
The Federal Reserve increases or decreases the discount rate (and the federal funds rate target) in order to curtail or stimulate the overall level of economic activity in the country. When the economy is growing too rapidly and inflation becomes a concern, the Fed may raise rates to discourage...
联邦基金利率是银行间隔夜拆借联邦基金的无担保利率,它并非固定,而是由银行间协商形成。FOMC设定的联邦基金目标区间(Federal Funds Target Range),更像是一个指导框架,实际利率通过银行间的交易自然趋向这个区间。深入解析 所谓有效联邦基金利率(EFFR),则是通过交易量加权得出的,它每日由市场交易自动调...
Based on the current state of the U.S. economy, what should the Federal Reserve do with the federal funds rate? Justify your answer. What are the factors that would influence the Federal Reserve in adjusting the discount rate? How does the Federal Reserve affect interest rates?
discount window. The discount rate is always set higher than the federal funds rate target, and so banks would prefer to borrow from one another rather than pay higher interest to the Fed. However, if the demand for reserves is sufficient, then the fed funds rate will tick up. LIBOR, on...
联邦基金利率(Federal Funds Rate),更准确地说是联邦基金目标利率,是美国联邦储蓄委员会(简称“美联储”或“联储”)的公开市场委员会( Federal Open Market Committee 简称“FOMC”)决定的一种利率。联储…
Federal Discount Rate555.5 Fed Funds Rate (Current target rate 4.75-5.00)555.5 WSJ Prime Rate888.5 Ratings methodology What's included?The federal funds rate is the primary tool that the Federal Open Market Committee uses to influence interest rates and the economy. Changes in the federal funds ...
"The Relationship be- tween the Discount Rate and the Federal Funds Rate under the Federal Reserve's Post-October 6, 1979 Operating Procedure." Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Review 69 (January/February 1983): 12-1.5.Broaddus, Alfred, and Timothy Cook. "The Relationship between the...