Hunter Biden has been convicted of all three felony charges related to the purchase of a revolver in 2018 when, prosecutors argued, the president’s son lied on a mandatory gun-purchase form by saying he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs.
Two of the three counts are related to paperwork Hunter Biden filled out when he purchased the gun. The form includes questions about a person's criminal record, whether they are buying the gun for themselves or someone else, their drug use and mental health. He's charged with making a fa...
Overall, the category of “crimes against children” focuses on a wide variety of crimes towards individuals below the age of 18. Such violations may include child pornography, child abuse, sexual exploitation, selling children, or buying children. Here is a closer look at some serious child-...
buying assets that promise higher returns, from fine art to high-yield debt of zombie firms, which earn too little to make even interest payments and survive by taking on new debt.” A recent Associated Press analysis found 2,000 of those zombies (once thought to be mainly a Japanese pheno...
For this reason, the JNA had a range of different types of the T-55 tank with slight modifications. There were also plans for buying the T-10, but nothing came of this. These purchases also included shipments of large numbers of spare parts and ammunition. From 1963 to 1970, the JNA ...
Federal taxes are attached to many of the items we purchase on a regular basis. The reason we don't notice or consider these taxes is that they're hidden in the purchase price of the item we're buying.
5 Bird flu and panic buying: A recipe for egg-straordinary price hikes 6 'We demand a Town Hall:' Protestors call on Congressman Griffith to answer concernsJury deliberates in Iron & Ale murder trial; defense argues self-defense by Rachel BranningFri, February 28th 2025 at 7:54 PM 00...
Google “Community exchange system” for other more practical form of barter linked to a fixed, inflation free unit of exchange (money need only be information of who owns who what). Use your national currency as little as possible. Trade with your own people, and with “strangers” as li...
One caption referred to Knight being shot with a pellet gun, and another email said, “Thanks for my daily Tina Knight fix. Thanks for helping me get my nuts off,” and another said “More Tina Knight, that is what I want and need.” After receiving approximately nine of these types ...
Kelly Garrity's must-read rundown of what's up on Beacon Hill and beyond. By signing up, you acknowledge and agree to ourPrivacy PolicyandTerms of Service. You may unsubscribe at any time by following the directions at the bottom of the email or bycontacting us here. This...