内容提示: Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) About This Reference Edition of the FD&C Act The FDA's online reference edition of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act is based on the United States Government Printing Office Federal Digital System1 (FDsys) version of the ...
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) About This Reference Edition of the FD&C Act The FDA's online reference edition of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act is based on theUnited States Government Printing Office Federal Digital System1(FDsys) version of the United States Code...
FederalFood,Drug,andCosmeticAct1938,1954,1958(FFDCA) ByCatherineCabot Period6 FFDCA TheDraftYearwas1938 TheAmendmentYearswere1954and1958 Thispieceoflegislationisnational(U.S.) THEFFDCA)isasetoflawspassedbyCongressin1938givingauthoritytotheFoodandDrugAdministration(FDA)tooverseethesafetyoffood,drugs,andcosm...
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) About This Reference Edition of the FD&C Act The FDA's online reference edition of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act is based on theUnited States Government Printing Office Federal Digital System1(FDsys) version of the United States Code...
简称Food and Drug Act,系美国国会于1938年6月25日通过的一项消费者保护法律,以取代原在1906年实施的联邦食品及药物法(Federal Food and Drug Act)。法案内容主要在取缔食品、药物及化妆品中有害掺杂物(adulteration)和防止商标滥用(misbranding)情事,并加重违法行为的处罚。
The main thrust of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act , for the purpose of affording protection to consumers, is through the prohibition of adulterated and misbranded foods, drugs, devices and cosmetics in interstate commerce. Penalties are imposed upon persons for infractions of other ...
Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA), which amended provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the FD&C Act) that govern the approval of 505(b)(2) applications and abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs)... HHS Food and Drug Administration - 《Fed Regist》 被引...
Federal Food,Drug and Cosmetic Act 联邦食品、药物和化妆品法案
生與公眾 服務部(Department of Health and Human Services), 負責執行《 聯邦 食物、 藥 物及化妝品法》(Federal Food,DrugandCosmetic Act)下 的食物標籤法例及規例,確 保食物及食物添加 劑可供安全食用。 legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk In section ...