If you accumulate more than the annual limit, with certain exceptions you must either use or lose those excess hours by the end of the leave year. Image: Kerlon/Shutterstock.com By:FEDweek Staff Annual leave is one of the most important benefits provided to federal employees. The amount you...
West v. Gibson: Federal Employees Win the Battle, But Ultimately Lose the War for Compensatory Damages Under Title VIIIn 1991, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1991 (hereinafter 1991 CRA), 3 which allows victims of intentional employment discrimination to recover compensatory and, in some...
…But might central banks themselves, with their armies of employees, be part of the problem? …many central banks in Europe look flabby. Although the euro area’s 19 national central banks have ceded many of their monetary-policymaking responsibilities to the European Central Bank (ECB)—they ...
President Bill Clinton signed theFamily and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)into law in 1993. As a result, eligible employees are afforded up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year if they decide to stay home in the wake of their child’s birth or adoption or cases of serious personal or family ...
agents who operate security at airports to Postal Service workers who deliver mail. Some federal offices would also have to close or face shortened hours during a shutdown. Employees deemed essential, such as air traffic controllers and law enforcement officers, still...
require disclosure reporting on information sharing with contractors, external researchers, and special employees under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act. These enhancements could be adopted through updates to the Internal Revenue Code, by executive order, or through the JCT's 6103(p)(3)(B) ...
While some government entities will be exempt — Social Security checks, for example, will still go out — other functions will be severely curtailed. Federal agencies will stop all actions deemed non-essential, and millions of federal employees, including members of the mil...
While some government entities will be exempt — Social Security checks, for example, will still go out — other functions will be severely curtailed. Federal agencies will stop all actions deemed non-essential, and millions of federal employees, including ...
Learn how federal tax law changes could impact your tax return in 2010 and beyond. Here is a summary of all federal tax law changes between 2010 - 2017.
This type of overt political control over the federal workforce was the norm following the Civil War. Government employees openly provided kickbacks of their salaries to politicians (notably U.S. representatives) as a quid pro quo to receiving an appointment to their positions.In 1876, Rep. Wil...