FederalPay.org - The Civil Employee's Resource © Government Payscales, Pay Calculators, Per Diems, and more FederalPay.org is a free public resource for United States Government employees. We have pay tables and pay calculators for all four major Federal Government payscales and military ...
The Federal Salary Council also suggests in its examination of the federal pay scale that the GS base pay increase in 2025 would have to be close to 4% in orderto comply with the Federal Employee Compensation Act.But that rule is almost never followed because presidents have...
Many federal employees retire at the end of December or early January before the start of a new leave year in order to maximize their lump-sum payment for unused annual leave hours. Ed Zurndorfer presents a comparison of two retirement dates for an employee retiring at the end of leave year...
A senior administration official told FCW in a statement that OMB was not aiming for a specific demographic or GS-scale with the academy, saying the only qualifications to apply were that the applicant be a current federal employee who doesn't work in the IT field. "Federal employe...
Receiving a tip that the murder may have been planned at Tha Row offices, investigators would arrest three men during the raids, including Tha Row employee Theodore Kelly, charging them with murder-conspiracy. Knight, who had recently been released from prison at the time after serving a four-...