Summers calls Biden economic doctrine ‘increasingly dangerous.’ The former Treasury Dept. leader cites dangers of “manufacturing-centered economic nationalism.” He calls Biden’s moves appropriate but worries what will follow. USDA’s first forecast for 2024 predicts a modest increase in f...
The Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS), within the Department of Transportation (DOT), is the lead federal regulator of pipeline safety. The OPS uses a variety of strategies to promote compliance with its safety regulations, including inspections, ...
Buttigieg (Transportation) .. Harris is an “African American” male who was employed as a “Supervisory Management Analyst/Director” by FAA. The complaint alleges that Harris is “disabled,” but does not specify the nature of his disability. Peter Merkle, a Caucasian male, was Harris’s ...
Improved resistance to engine bird ingestion : final report : prepared for U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Systems Research and Development Service /Herbert B Kaehler
Family Options Study: 3-Year Impacts of Housing and Services Interventions for Homeless Families. Washington, DC: US Dept of Housing and Urban Development; 2015. 37. Newman S, Holupka CS. The effects of assisted housing on child well-being. Am J Community Psychol. 2017;60(1-...
FAAwroteandadopted14CodeofFederalRegulations(CFR)Part139whichappliestothecertificationofairportsintheUnitedStates. TheFederalAviationAdministration IspartoftheDepartmentofTransportation Isresponsibleforallfacetsofaviationsafety. MajorOfficesinFAA: AirTraffic
DEPT OF EDUCATION'S SWAT TEAM At least a dozen federal agents crashed through his front door. They draggedWright out of the house in his boxer shorts and a T-shirt, handcuffed himand threw him to the ground before finally putting him in the back seat of apolice car-where he remained fo...
The US Department of Transportation convened a “listening session” on autonomous vehicles at its headquarters in Washington, DC, last week.
Dept. of Treasury, International Telecommunications Union, SBC/AT&T, Seniors Coalition, Turner Broadcasting, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Major League Baseball, Verizon, Knology, Northpoint Technology, SMS/800, Satellite Broadcasting & Communications Association, FiberStreet, Gemstar, Telus, Pacific West ...