The single biggest expenditure of the federal government in FY 2023 was for Social Security, which takes up 21% of the government's dollars. Defense spending, which dominated the budget for some years after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, was 13% in FY 2023.2 The President and Budget Negotiatio...
Stay up to date on appropriations from Congress and budget policies from OMB and what they mean for your agency.
Your federal taxes primarily fund major health programs like Medicare and Medicaid, Social Security, and defense and security, which are the largest expenditure categories. Interest on the national debt is an important expenditure, costing about $640 billion in the 2023 federal budget, which is arou...
CEIC提供的联邦政府支出:可自由支配:国防数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Office of Management and Budget,数据归类于全球数据库的美国 – Table US.F006: Federal Government Receipts and Outlays: Annual。查看图表中 1962 到2023 期间的美国 美国 Federal Govt Outlays: Discretiona...
Congratulations to each and every one of the 2023 Federal 100! Joe Alexander Director, Special Programs, Technical Integration, and Positioning, Navigation and Timing Capabilities, Office of the CIO Department of Defense Navigation modernization. Under Alexander’s leadership, the Defense Department has ...
Despite federal budget uncertainty, defense contractors plan aggressive maneuversCLAIRE TRAGESER
Current needs reflect everything we want today in order to remain safe and healthy (from national defense through Medicaid). The current needs budget should be balanced each year. It’s appropriate that we pay for all our current needs through our current taxes. ...
Government Contracts,Defense Contracts,United States Government Contract Awards,Federal Business,Federal Government Contracts,Weapons Systems,Products,Services,Claimant Program
Needless to say, I’m sure that the growth of the NSC bureaucracy wasn’t accompanied by staffing reductions at the Department of State, Department of Defense, or any other related box on the ever-expanding federal flowchart. Whenever I read stories like the two cited above, I can’t help...
Explore each step of the federal budget process and timeline, from the president’s budget proposal through the start of the fiscal year.