It is passive; courts cannot "take" cases. Cases must come to them in order to make a ruling. Are judges impartial? NO! They interpret the law and therefore make the law. What the difference between original and appellate jurisdiction? original- authority of a court to first try a case...
The jurisdiction of courts that hear cases brought to them on appeal from lower courts. These courts do not review the factual record, only the legal issues involved. The authority of a court to review decisions made by lower courts. Exists in 39 states; sometimes called Superior or District...
Power of the Federal Courts alone to hear certain cases Writ of Certiorari Order by a higher court directing a lower court to send up the record in a given case for review. Appellate Jurisdiction Authority of a court to review decisions of inferior courts Bias Implying personal beliefs on issu...
With respect to federal question jurisdiction, they have required that any of these claims appear on a well-pleaded complaint. - essential to have a "well-pleaded complaint"Mottley: where to look Statutory Scope of Federal Question Jurisdiction Federal courts have subject matter jurisdiction over ...