Define Federal courts. Federal courts synonyms, Federal courts pronunciation, Federal courts translation, English dictionary definition of Federal courts. Noun 1. federal court - a court establish by the authority of a federal government Federal Judiciar
The meaning of FEDERAL COURT is a court established by a federal government; especially : one established under the constitution and laws of the U.S..
Define federal government. federal government synonyms, federal government pronunciation, federal government translation, English dictionary definition of federal government. n the national government of a federated state, such as that of Australia locat
The judicial branch of government consists of the federal courts. The highest federal court is the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has a number of responsibilities, the most important of which is interpreting the Constitution. Each branch has some authority to check and balance the other branches...
The meaning of FEDERAL is of or constituting a form of government in which power is distributed between a central authority and a number of constituent territorial units. How to use federal in a sentence.
In the federal court system of the United States, jurisdiction determines in which court a case will be heard. Learn about the difference between...
The United States has a federal system founded on the constitution, which means that authority is split between a national (federal) government and a local (state) government. According to the Supreme Court, every law made by Congress should be based on one or more powers enumerated in the ...
•Afederalcourtruledthis month that Napster helpeduserstoviolatemusiccopyrightlaws.•Federalfundingfor theprojectwas cut last year•TheFedlasttrimmeditstargetforfederalfunds, orovernightloansbetweenbanks, on Dec. 19.•By 1981 thefederalgovernment was running adeficit.•Modelcitiesstressedlocal ...
pertaining to or of the nature of a union of states under a central government distinct from the individual governments of the separate states, as in federal government federal system of, relating to, or noting such a central government: ...
Define federal. federal synonyms, federal pronunciation, federal translation, English dictionary definition of federal. adj. 1. Of, relating to, or being a form of government in which a union of states recognizes the sovereignty of a central authority wh