Federal Correctional Institutions are low-security prisons. Learn about what low-security federal prisons are like and more here.
State inmate searches, such as the Kentucky Offender Lookup, can average over three million hits per month. New York State's department of criminal justice services has offered inmate lookup services on former state offenders since the 1970s, and today offers a current inmate locator tool that ...
The policy explains, “Inmates whose offense, conduct, or other personal history indicates a propensity to offend through the use of email or jeopardizes the safety, security, orderly operation of the correctional facility, or the protection of the public or staff, should be seriously considered ...
All sexual activity between a prison worker and an inmate is illegal. Correctional employees enjoy substantial power over inmates, controlling every aspect of their lives from mealtime to lights out, and there is no scenario in which an inmate can give...
Barber, ScottJournal of Offender Counseling Services RehabilitationMabli, Jerome and Scott Barber, "The Effect of Inmate Security Level on Incident Report Rates at a Medium Security Federal Correctional Institution." Journal of Offender Counseling, Services and Rehabilitation, Vol. 8 (1/2), 1983, ...
Real Info On How To Survive In The Most Dangerous Department Of Corrections (doc), Gov Federal Prisons, BOP, County Jails (Gaol), Boot Camps & All Other Correctional Facilities. Best Guides, Tips & Advices For First Time Criminals, Repeated Offenders, Seasonal Prisoners And Hardcore Convicts. ...
In the Matter of: Lisong Ma, a/k/a Ma Li, Inmate Number--80644-053, Moshannon Valley, Correctional Institution, 555 Geo Drive, Philipsburg, PA 16866; Order Denying Export PrivilegesOn May 27, 2014, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of NeIn...
Igor Bobel, Inmate #-67253-066, FCI Loretto, Federal Correctional Institution, P.O. Box 1000, Loretto, PA 15940; Order Denying Export PrivilegesOn May 11, 2012, in the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Igor Bobel (Eileen M. Albanese...
Arturo Guillermo Nino, Inmate Number #04908-379, FCI Beaumont Low, Federal Correctional Institute, P.O. Box 26020, Beaumont, TX 26020; Order Denying Export PrivilegesOn June 12, 2012, in the U.S. District Court, Western District of Texas, Arturo Guillermo...
Adrian Jesus Reyna, Inmate Number #80629-280, FCI Bastrop, Federal Correctional Institution, P.O. Box 1010, Bastrop, TX 78602; Order Denying Export PrivilegesOn January 27, 2012, in the U.S. District Court, Western District of Texas, Adrian Jesus Reyna (...