To get started, call us at800-471-9201or better yet, click on Contact Us and submit a copy of your current resume if possible, performance evaluations, position descriptions, and job vacancy of interest. We will provide a no-cost career consult to determine type of resume and level of com...
Match yourskills, education, work experiences, and interests to specific job series. Explore all of your options and review the associatedClassification StandardsandPosition Descriptionsto match your assessment results with that occupation. Learn more ...
For civilian jobs in most sectors and industries, your military experience can translate well to the job market. As you can see from the military resume samples below, jobs in the private sector focus on specific skills. If, for example, you worked with computers or led teams as part of ...
“The position descriptions can be really complicated. They use federal jargon, and people don't understand what the jobs mean,” she said. “When we talk to Gen Z, oftentimes, they will read a job that is meant for an entry-level employee, and they...
Finally, government agencies, in particular, need to examine their position descriptions and to write them with a level of simplification and clar- ity that make them understandable not only by agency insiders, but also Human Resources (HR) specialists and potential job applicants outside of ...
000 federal civilian employees. One major result of the study was the development of standards focusing onperimeter security, entry security, interior security, and security planning. Anotherresult of the study was the division of federal buildings into fivesecurity levels, based on staffing size, ...
Noncivilian Government Context Jennifer AnnKurtz, inHacking Wireless Access Points, 2017 Public Safety and Emergency Management The lines between public safety and emergency management are blurred since an incident can range from as small as atraffic accidentto as large as pandemics, major earthquakes,...
I should mention that 74% of all civilian casualties were from the financial community. This represented not only wonderful people (I elect to think the best of them all) but of significant expertise in some of the most esoteric areas of our monetary system. In particular the staggering loss...
It is more difficult to demonstrate this association in civilian groups because of the greater variety in the levels and types of exercise and other physical activities. Little association was found between current cigarette smoking and injury risk among the men or women in this investigation but ...
processing Recruit and Fill Position action link processing Review Position action link Ssalary, reporting on linkself-service preference information linksetting up the Cost Allocation key flexfield linkSF-113A linkSF-113AStandard Form 113-A Monthly Report of Federal Civilian Employment running the rep...