The federal budget proposal unveiled by the White House in March included an average pay increase of 4.6% for civilian federal workers, matching a planned military pay raise. Historically, with pay lagging in the federal sector, other factors including steady opportunities, competit...
The federal budget proposal unveiled by the White House in March included an average pay increase of 4.6% for civilian federal workers, matching a planned military pay raise. Historically, with pay lagging in the federal sector, other factors including steady opportunities, competitive benefits and h...
December 4, 2024 Pay & Benefits Last-minute advice for the 2025 open season Things you need to consider before the annual window when federal employees can enroll in or make changes to their health benefits closes on Dec. 9. Kevin Moss ...
Support a 5.2% pay increase for service members and the civilian workforce Key riders omitted: Bar DOD’s policy providing travel allowance for service members to obtain abortion services Block funds to implement climate-related contractor disclosure rule ...
Reported Deferred Maintenance and Repair Costs Increased About 50 Percent fromFiscal Year2017 through Fiscal Year2021;Selected Agencies Attributed the Increase to Multiple Factors Civilian agencies’ reported estimates of deferred maintenance and repair costs increased from $51 billion to $76 billion (about...
The intelligence you need to influence better policy Bloomberg Government’s leading public affairs platform is your one-stop shop for full news coverage, unmatched policy analysis, and a comprehensive suite of tools to power your public affairs strategy. Request a demo to see it for yourself....
Trump cancels planned January pay increase for civilian federal workers 特朗普取消了原计划在1月份给联邦公务员加薪的打算 ▌ 部分素材来源于《每日邮报》,世界播团队翻译 President Trump wrote Thursday that federal agency budgets could not sustain a planned pay increase for most civilian employees. (AP Pho...
The differences between the federal budget and the broader Treasury data have major consequences for future taxpayers, partly because pension and other retirement benefits are a large part of the compensation packages for government employees. When these benefits are included, civilian non-postal federal...
One natural place to look for answers is where government pays the most attention to information security and has the most control over it: the national-security agencies. So far, we've discussed the widespread failures of civilian administrative agencies to protect information. But what of the ...
Secretary of State Antony Blinken drew attention to Russia’s continued attacks on Ukrainian ports and infrastructure following its withdrawal from the Black Sea Grain Initiative, which is causing civilian deaths and severe infrastructure damage. — Russia has resumed sending oil to North Korea....