JeremiahThe Supreme Court's vague directives in ignited decades of turmoil in schools and courtrooms across the South as local judges, influenced by local pressures, advanced their own agendas when school desegregation suits arrived on their dockets. However, segregationists would not gain the upper...
On July 27, 2021, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit (the "Court" or "7th Circuit") issued a ruling which could dramatically impact litigation involving Indiana skilled nursing facilities (SNFs). In the aftermath of the Co...
Circuit Court Of Appeals(591) City (Municipal Court)(381) Civil(825) Commissioner Of Financial Institutions(18) Concluding Instructions(4) Condemnation(4) Conspiracy(3) Construction Management(2) Contract For Sale And Purchase(1) Credit And Collection(26) ...
response to the Court’s ruling in Nutritional Health Alliance v. FDA (318 F.3d 92 (2d Cir. 2003)), in which the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit invalidated the unit-dose packaging regulations based upon its conclusion that the Federal Food, Drug, ...
“BIA & CIRCUIT COUIRT CASE LAW CHART: ASSAULT RELATED CIMTs" “Brooks Brothers Rioters” “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents” “Census Case” “Christmas Future” “Deep Throat” “Fair Day For Kids in Court Act” “Free Fallin’” “Hotel California” “JUSTICE BETRAYED...
Restructure our system of District and Circuit courts so that the undesirable judges preside over empty courts and empty dockets. Buy out the “employment contracts” of undesirable District and Circuit court judges. In other words we strongly incentivize judges to retire early. ...
Eisenhower and Attorney General Herbert Brownell, who destroyed many of the remaining vestiges of southern malfeasance with the power of their pens.;The legal battles placed the United States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, located in the heart of the former Confederacy, at the center of the ...
The federal circuit courts of appeals have generally recognized that a party suffers real hardship when the district court erroneously orders it to disclose privileged information. Review of the disclosure order after final judgment is usually an insufficient remedy; once the information has been ...
Estimates of the non-courtroom time required for specific types of cases would be based on estimates derived from the structured, guided discussions of about 100 experienced judges meeting in 12 separate groups (one for each geographic circuit). The accuracy of case weights developed on such ...
Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, the"state-created danger" theory of substantive due process.The comparison demonstrates that the risks of non-precedential opinions are real. Duringthe six-year interval between binding state-created danger decisions, the Third Circuit createdinconsistent non-...