The Child Care Crisis and the Work-Family Conflict: A Policy Rationale for Federal Legislation.This Article examines the severe lack of affordable quality child care in the United States today, concluding that the best solution to the child care crisis is increased federal funding and regulation ...
The New Preemption Reader: Legislation, Cases, and Commentary on the Leading Challenge in Today's State and Local Government Law (online access included) Chhabria currently oversees some 900 federal cases consolidated before him. $2 Billion Verdict Far From End of Roundup Litigation Challenges for...
They are: what is the authority of government to create legislation and policy affecting children’s health; what are the economics of supporting health care for children; and whether health care for children should be a basic human right compelling its provision as a humane act of government. ...
Legislation concerning welfare programs authorized under Title IV-E and Title IV-B is handled in the House Ways and Means and Senate Finance committees; legislation concerning grants and activities authorized by CAPTA and Adoption Opportunities is handled in the House Education and the Workforce and S...
Then in quick succession he obtained passage of a rural-credits measure to supply cheap long-term credit to farmers; anti-child-labour and federal workmen’s-compensation legislation; the Adamson Act, establishing the eight-hour day for interstate railroad workers; and measures for federal aid to...
This notice does not provide definitions of such terms as “income” or “family” as there is considerable variation of these terms among programs that use the poverty guidelines. The legislation or regulations governing each program define these terms and determine how the program applies the pove...
Accessing health care and support services after violence-related traumatic brain injury was not always an option for these women due to coercive control or fear of being reported to child protection authorities. It is crucial to strengthen access to health care and support services for these women...
The federal Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) improves nutrition and reduces food insecurity among young children by helping cover the food costs for child care providers and families. This nationwide study evaluated the extent and predictors of the CACFP's utilization among licensed child ...
discretionary funds as well) for provision of services to youth who “age out” of foster care, or are expected to age out without placement in a permanent family. Legislation concerning programs authorized in Title IV-B and Title IV-E, which represents the very large majority of federal chi...
See for a detailed historical account. Hinrichs (2009) provides an excellent historical background of the NSLP. See also See