Federal Government means the Federal Government of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Local government entity means a county, incorporated city, independent school district, public junior college district, emergency services district, other special district, joint board, or other entity defined as a political...
TheFederal Board of Revenue (FBR)formerly known as Central Board of Revenue is a special federal governemnt organization of Pakistan that is resposnible for collection of taxes from all individuals / businesses and investigation of tax crimes & money laundering. FBR was formed in 1921 and its h...
a federal territory on the continent of Australia in the SE part: includes Canberra, capital of the Commonwealth of Australia. 304,100; 939 sq. mi. (2430 sq. km). Formerly,Federal Capital Territory. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright ...
20 FEDE RAL B URE AU O F I NVE STI GATIO N 2021 - Top 20 International Victim Countries18 Compared to the United States Japan Turkey Malaysia Italy Pakistan Argentina Spain China Greece Netherlands Philippines Brazil Mexico Germany South Africa France Australia India Canada 0 419 422 443 517 ...
Added to that was $158.8 billion in contingency funds to support initiatives in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and a winding down of the War in Iraq.20For more about the total costs of these initiatives, see War on Terror Facts. Other departments that support the military cost $167.4 billion. These...
PAKISTAN'S ECONOMY, TRADE AND MANAGEMENT -- AN OVERVIEW Pakistan has made significant progress since its birth in 1947, keeping in mind the enormous difficulties it was confronted with at that time. Pakistan's development has not been commensurate with its potential. The formation of Pakistan......