You will be going to a new website, operated on behalf of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan by a third party. The protection of your privacy will be governed by the privacy policy of that site. Please review the terms of use and privacy policies of the new site you...
Many FEHB and PSHB plans offer cost savings to their enrollees who are also enrolled in Medicare Part B, such as Part B premium reimbursement, waived deductibles, and waived cost-sharing for certain medical services. Details are in plan brochures; for the PSHB, also see
As the 116th Congress comes to a close, America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) and Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA)urgedlegislators to provide COVID-19 relief, calling for access to testing and a safe and effective vaccine for all Americans, more robust Medicaid and...
America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) and Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) havecalledon Congress to ensure access to coronavirus care and healthcare coverage through federal funds. More specifically, the payer organizations recommended that Congress protect at-risk populations, in...
The American health insurance industry began with the creation of not-for-profit Blue Cross Blue Shield plans. Following World War II the role of commercial insurance in the United States grew as it became linked to employment through tax incentives. As a means of cost control, insurers ...
Dr McWilliams reported grants from National Institute on Aging (P01AG032952) during the conduct of the study; personal fees from Abt Associates, personal fees from Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina, personal fees from RTI International, personal fees from Oak Ridge Associated Universities ...
He’s keeping that promise by standing against this new House Republican budget. He knows the last thing we should do is raid Medicare and Social Security while giving more giant tax cuts to the wealthy and big corporations. What’s more, House Republicans’ plan would raise energy costs and...
Blue Cross Blue Shield has been the service benefit plan offered in FEHB since the program's inception.144. §762 of P.L. 106-398. 145. §145 of P.L. 106-522. 146. §519 of P.L. 107-107. 147. §721 of P.L. 107-107. ...
and supplemental Medicare plans (i.e., Medigap plans). Per federal statute, there are four categories of excepted benefits.16One category is exempt from complying with all federal health insurance requirements in all circumstances;the other three categories are exempt from complying with all of the...