有效联邦基金利率(the effective federal funds rate,EFFR)由市场交易决定,但是联储可以通过公开市场交易(open market operations 影响货币供应量)促使其达到联邦基金目标利率区间(federal funds rate target)。 联邦基金利率成为美国金融市场的中央利率(the central interest rate),其波动影响到诸如优惠贷款利率(prime rate...
role in this policymaking process for interest rates other than whatever particular rate the Federal Reserve chooses to set, or equivalently for equity prices, and (3) to what extent the electronic revolution now under way in banking threatens the efficacy of an interest rate-based monetary policy...
So let’s say Acme Bank lends you money at 5 percentage points over the rate it gets. If you take out a loan in March, when other banks charge Acme 3% interest, Acme charges you 8%. But if you wait until April, when the federal funds rate has gone up and other banks have starte...
The federal funds rate is determined by the FOMC, which is made up of the members of the Board of Governors, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and four of the remaining 11 Reserve Bank presidents. All 12 of the Reserve Bank presidents attend FOMC meetings and particip...
Interest on reserve balances (IORB):The IORB rate is perhaps the fed funds rate’s most important best friend. Just as consumers earn a yield for keeping cash at their bank, the Fed also pays an interest rate on banks’ reserve balances. Since it’s a risk-free rate, it acts as a...
内容提示: Order Code 98-856 EUpdated October 29, 2008Federal Reserve Interest Rate Changes: 2001-2008Marc Labonte and Gail E. Makinen Government and Finance DivisionSummaryThe Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) decided at its scheduled meetingheld on October 29 to lower the target rate for ...
However, sometimes, if a bank doesn’t have the required cash reserve amount on hand, it can borrow from other banks whose reserves exceed their requirement. It's where the federal funds rate comes in. Commercial banks use it as the interest rate when they overnight lend their excess reserv...
The Fed’s rate hikes slowed the housing market. Home sales dropped sharply — buthome priceshit record levels. Because home values are not driven solely by interest rates but by a complicated mix of factors, it’s hard to predict exactly how the Fed’s efforts will affect the housing mar...
The federal funds rate refers to the interest rate that banks charge other institutions for lending excess cash to them from theirreserve balancesovernight. By law, banks must maintain a reserve equal to a certain percentage of their deposits in an account at a Federal Reserve bank. The amount...
bankoffers to its least-risky customers. The Wall Street Journal asks 10 major banks in the U.S. what they charge their most creditworthy corporate customers. It publishes the average on a daily basis, although it only changes the rate when 70% of the respondents adjust their rate.8 ...