BuildingaNewNuclearSafetyRegulatoryAuthorityfortheUnited ArabEmirates WilliamTravers DirectorGeneral(Designate) 11March2009 11March2009 2 NuclearpowerrepresentsanoptionthattheUAEfoundtobeviablefor securefutureenergygenerationmix Commerciallycompetitiveandenvironmentallyfriendlyoptionforthe ...
UAE Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) (under formation)March
Looking back, we were able to support the introduction of new national regulations (e.g., the regulation on the introduction of a “Substitute Construction Materials Ordinance, on the Revision of the Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Regulation” and on the “Amendment of the Landfill...
Federal Regulation and Environmental Impact of the U.S. Nuclear Industry, 1974-1984Richard W. EnglandEric P. Mitchell
The nuclear export policy of the Federal Republic of Germany complies with the principle of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. Already in 1967 the Federal Government stated in a Peace Note that no export was authorised to countries (outside Euratom) which did not comply with the IAEA ...
Regulation kills. (federal regulation; includes related article on regulation of nuclear power facilities)(Cover Story)Danitz, TiffanyHickey, Jennifer G
This work outlines a general analysis procedure which can be used to evaluate regulations affecting the backend of the nuclear fuel cycle. The regulation chosen for study is the proposed 10CFR72, Storage of Spent Fuel in an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI). A Risk Matrix has...
392 (1976); Tribe, California Declines the Nuclear Gamble.- Is Such a State Choice Preempted within the state, while 17 states filed amicus briefs supporting California's right to The economic,health, safety and environmental problems associated with nuclear power affect vital...
Federal Sovereign Immunity: How Self-Regulation Became No Regulation at Hanford and Other Nuclear Weapons Facilities* Michael W. Grainey is Assistant Director of the Oregon Department of Energy. JD, New York University, 1972; BA, Gonzaga University, 1969; member of the bars of Oregon, Washington...