Summary This chapter presents various federal and state laws and other regulations such as Investment Advisers Act of 1940, 1933 Securities and Exchange Act, and Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 in a question and answer format. Investment advisers are regulated under a number of state and ...
fully complywithFederal,StateandLocal environmentalregulations. 我們承諾要比顧客期待的做得更好,同時也符合國家和本地的環境保護條例。 General Conditions: All International, National,Federal,stateandlocal lawsandregulationsareapplicable. ...
Federal and State Regulations. In the event that any federal or state laws or regulations mandate a change in the health care benefits or in the eligibility of covered employees and their covered depe...
federal, state, local laws, and global or other country laws and regulations as well as political conditions and general stability of a country influence what organization can and cannot do 青云英语翻译 请在下面的文本框内输入文字,然后点击开始翻译按钮进行翻译,如果您看不到结果,请重新翻译!
composed of the Supreme Court and lower federal courts, exercises judicial power (or judiciary). The judiciary's function is to interpret the United States Constitution and federal laws and regulations. This includes resolving disputes between the executive and legislative branches. The fede...
A set of “basic health services” specified in your member handbook and those services required under applicable federal and state laws and regulations. BASIC BENEFITS(基本福利): 在你的會員手冊中訂明的「基本健康服務」,以及根據適當之聯邦和州訂法律及規 則規定 之服務。
美国的特殊立法分为三个层次:一是洲和联邦政府法律(state and federal laws), 二是各种法规和指导性文件(regulations an…|基于 1 个网页 2. 一是州和联邦法律 美国的法律系统分为三个层次:一是州和联邦法律(state and federal laws),二是各种法规和指导性文件(regulations and guid… ...
知道,观察和遵守条款和这项协议的条件,所有联邦和州法律,统治包括行为和大学住宅群学生手册的 ASU Student 代码的学生行为的所有 ASU 政策和规则,以及电脑, Internet 和电子通讯政策,必需的膳食计划, ASU 可能采用或出版的任何后续政策或规则在协议的条款期间。
A brief overview of how laws and regulations in the United States are written, interpreted, and enforced is provided here. The Regulatory Process In the United States, the federal regulatory process starts when both Houses of Congress develop a law or statute. Generally, each House develops its...
1. Goods and technology on the CCL are not inherently military in nature; they are primarily and inherently commercial or potentially commercial in nature. Export control - The set of laws, policies, and regulations that govern the export of sensitive items for a country or company. Export ...