What the Federal Reserve is going to do is get a little more inflation under its belt for the debt, then the money in taxes that would have paid on that debt can stay in rich families pockets, while the 99.9% pay the inflation tax. A real secondary benefit is if those businesses h...
年 11 月 20 日,某基金管理者持有 2000 万美元的美国政府债券,他担心市场利率在未来 6个月内将剧烈波动,因此他希望卖空长期国债期货合约,该合约目前市价为 94.1875 美元,该合约规模为 10 万美元面值的长期国债,因此每份合约价值 94187.50 美元。假设需保值的债券平均久期为 8 年,长期国债期货合...
2023年11月,位于我国西南地区的中国石化四川( )的探井,在地下近4500米处,获得日产气22.06万立方米的高产工业气流,预计新增探明地质储量超400亿立方米。元坝气田( )7000余米超深高含硫生物礁大气田,也是“川气东送”管道的主供气源地之一。
China has signed agreements onavoidance of double taxation with 114 countries(regions). Foreign nationalswho are eligible for tax reductions orexemptions may judge by themselves the conditions for enjoying such treatment. They can choose to enjoy th...
enjoying such treatment. They can choose to enjoy the treatment upon self-filing or through withholding agents, and relevant documentation shall be retained for future inquiries. Fordetails of the agreements, please refer to the tax treaty section ...