个人所得税:individual income tax 资源税:resourcetax 城镇土地使用税:urban and townshipland usetax 房产税:house property tax 城建税:city maintenance and construction tax 耕地占用税:tax on the use of arable land 土地增值税:la...
Paycheck Withholding Unlike federal income taxes, employees are not responsible for calculating or paying the Medicare tax. Employers, though, are required to withhold 1.45 percent of each paycheck. While you are responsible for paying the tax, your employer is responsible for making sure the correct...
English Language Word or Term Chinese Language Word or Term INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX WITHHOLDING RETURN 扣缴个人所得税报告表 Withholding agent's file number 扣缴义务人编码 Date of filing 填表日期 Day 日 Month 月 Year 年 Monetary Unit 金额单位 RMB Yuan 人民币 元 This return is designed in accordanc...
Net total return indices reinvest dividends after the deduction of withholding taxes, using (for international indices) a tax rate applicable to nonresident institutional investors who do not benefit from double-taxation treaties.MSCI Emerging Markets Index NR USD (Emerging Market Equities) is an ...
measured by the superb Shadow Govt Statistics gurus, and arrive at a chronic recession of minus 3% to minus 5% for four years running. That explains the absent job growth. Take the payroll tax withholding series to see the steady decline in national income, not easily masked....
Withholding Tax Form (代扣所得税表) INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX WITHHOLDING RETURN 扣缴个人所得税报告表 Withholding agent's file number 扣缴义务人编码 Date of filing 填表日期 Day 日 Month 月 Year 年 Monetary Unit 金额单位 RMB Yuan 人民币...
Although some payroll deductions like IRS withholding may be refunded when you file your income tax return, there are others that don't come back to you. This is because the U.S. federal government uses some deductions to fund federal programs. The code Fed OASDI/EE on a paycheck indicates...
“Hudson’s April 2006 Harper’s cover story, “The $4.7 Trillion Pyramid: Why Social Security Won’t Be Enough to Save Wall Street,” helped defeat the Bush administration’s attempt to privatize Social Security by showing its aim of steering wage withholding into the stock market to reflate...
{财务管理财务会计}会计 科目英语大全 会计英语科目大全 一、资产类 Assets 流动资产 Currentassets 货币资金 Cashandcashequivalents 1001现金 Cash 1002银行存款 Cashinbank 1009其他货币资金 Othercashandcashequivalents 100901外埠存款 OthercityCashinbank 100902银行本票 Cashier''scheque 100903银行汇票 Bankdraft 100904...
(loss) Other income Net interest income Exchange difference Income /(loss) before income tax expense Income tax benefit /(expense) Net income /(loss) Less: Net income /(loss) attributable to the mezzanine-classified noncontrolling interest shareholders Net income /(loss) attributable to the non...