inspect: return a pretty string for inspection, makes irb fun. match?(str), =~(str): return true iff str parses as a Node equal to this one. detach: remove this node from the tree (parent becomes nil) and return it. detached?, attached?: return true if parent is nil or non-nil...
the Fed downgrading them and flunking the bank on a recent stress test. Rob Kirby says it’s much worse than you think and explains, “Basically, it is the German regulator telling DB you are going to
Compare differences between the "printed form" and the " proof " copy. A magnifier allows close-up sheet inspection and verification of registration. The print copy has a color control strip which can be checked with both the magnifier and densitometer to assess gray balance, dot gain, ...
inspect: return a pretty string for inspection, makes irb fun. match?(str), =~(str): return true iff str parses as a Node equal to this one. detach: remove this node from the tree (parent becomes nil) and return it. detached?, attached?: return true if parent is nil or non-nil...