While much recent research has expanded our understanding of the molecular interactions between aphids and their host plants, it is lacking for the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines. Since its North American invasion, A. glycines has become one of the most d
Ferreira, H.S.; Oliveira, E.; Faustino, T.N.; e Silva, E.d.C.; Fregoneze, J.B. Effect of the activation of central 5-HT2C receptors by the 5-HT2C agonist mCPP on blood pressure and heart rate in rats.Brain Res.2005,1040, 64–72. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] ...
RAD51 protein household guide in repair of DNA double strand breaks. RAD51 family users are homologous to the bacterial RecA and yeast Rad51. In people, RAD51 is a 339-amino acid protein that performs a main function in homologous recombination of DNA th
"formerror": "Qalad: suura gal maaha in la diraa qoraalkaan", "badarticleerror": "Shaqadaan ma lagu sameyn karo boggaan.", "cannotdelete": "Boggaan ama file'ka \"$1\" mala tirtiri karo.\nwaxaa laga yaabaa in oo qof kale tirtiray .", "cannotdelete-title": ...
Yet several aphid species have been able to overcome this resistance in the form of virulent biotypes, which threatens the utility and sustainability of aphid resistant varieties [4]. Research on the molecular interactions between aphids and their host plants will allow comparative approaches to both...