1. -> see faeces feces 单语例句 1. Hahn's team tested chimp feces for SIV antibodies, finding them in a subspecies called Pan troglodytes troglodytes in southern Cameroon. 2. Cloud man told police he has found small baggies of dog feces in the back of his pickup truck for the past fe...
faecal matter,faeces,fecal matter,ordure,BM,dejection,stool dog do,dog turd,doggy do-fecaldroppingsfromadog body waste,excrement,excreta,excretory product,excretion-wastematter(asurineorsweatbutespeciallyfeces)dischargedfromthebody crap,turd,dirt-obscenetermsforfeces ...
faeces (UK)n(excrement, solid waste)hecesnfpl There was feces all over the ground outside the stable. 'feces' aparece también en las siguientes entradas: In the English description: buffalo chips-cow pie-crap-defecation-diarrhea-floater-plop-poo-stool specimen-waste product ...
同义词:faeces,excrement,crap,shit,poop,更多…… Go toPreferencespage and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看"feces" 的谷歌机器翻译。 WordReference.com WORD OF THE DAY belly | bloom GET THE DAILY EMAIL! 成为WordReference的支持者,浏览网站再也不受广告的打扰。
: bodily waste discharged through the anus : excrement fecal ˈfē-kəl adjective Medical Definition feces noun plural fe·ces variants or chiefly British faeces ˈfē-(ˌ)sēz : bodily waste discharged through the anus : excrement More...
也称faeces,约1400年,意为“渣滓”,源自拉丁语 faeces “沉淀物,渣滓”, faex(属格 faecis)的复数形式,意为“底部,沉淀物,酒渣,渣滓”,其起源不详。 “人类排泄物”的具体意义始于17世纪30年代的英语,但在古典拉丁语中并未发现。因此,拉丁语 faex populi “人民渣滓; 社会最底层阶级”。
faeces(n.) seefeces. fecal(adj.) 1540s; seefeces+-al(1). feculent(adj.) "muddy, turbid, full of dregs or impurities," late 15c., from Latinfaeculentus"abounding in dregs," from stemfaec-"sediment, dregs" (seefeces) + adjective suffix-ulentus"full of." Related:Feculence....
fe‧cesUS,faecesUK/ˈfiːsiz/[명]《복수형으로》〘격식〙대변(大便)—fecal/fiːkəl/[형]《주로 +명》〘격식〙대변의 Pictures of the day What are these? Click on the pictures to check....
Dregs; lees; sediment; matter excreted and ejected. Specifically The undigested portions of the food, mixed with some secretions in the alimentary canal, which are evacuated at the anus; dung; excrement. from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English. ...
1400, "dregs," from Latin faeces "sediment, dregs," plural of faex (genitive faecis) "grounds, sediment, wine-lees, dregs," which is of unknown origin. Specific sense of "human excrement" is from 1630s in English but is not found in classical Latin. Hence Latin faex populi "the ...