Hemorrhoidectomy OR of 2.4 to 3.0 Sphincterotomy --- Anal fissure OR of 1.2 Anal abscess OR of 1.1 Anal fistula OR of 2.5 Female sex Moderate OR of 1.7 to 2.0 Coexistence of urinary incontinence Moderate OR of 2.06 to 3.5 Irritable bowel syndrome Moderate OR of 1.95 to 4.8 Obesity Low...
METHODS: Seventeen patients (50±15 years, 11 females) with fecal incontinence (10±15 CI: 3-17 incontinence episodes per week) after anorectal surgery (sphincterotomy =5, fistulotomy =5, rectal prolapse =4, hemorrhoidectomy =1, others =2; 2±1 CI:1.2-3.2 years after surgery) were ...
Fecal incontinence is a frequent and debilitating condition that may result from a multitude of different causes. Treatment is often challenging and needs
Do not offer surgery to patients in whom the principal symptom is incontinence for liquid stool. Patients who undergo surgery should be warned that all recognized operations have the potential to make the symptoms worse. Patients with irritable bowel syndrome have a poor outcome after surgery. ...