Every word of Scripture fits into its large narrative context in one way or another, so much so that the immediate context of a sentence is as likely to be eighty-five pages off in words written three hundred years later as to be the previous or the next paragraph. When the narrative ...
at least to me, is the seeming arbitraryness of the whole thing. Even within the Abrahamioc religions, the Ten Commandments have less to do with actual scripture than pop-Christianity. Compared to its source material, the Ten Commandments are...
What I am looking for is nothing more than what Scripture recommends to me. I have done exactly as Scripture advises me to do: I have guarded my strength, and not given it away to women. Toanywoman. All I am doing is looking for a woman who has guarded herself accordingly. A man w...
Here are all of the photos on the wall covered with man-related words. This idea also came from my husband who use 80s words and phrases to decorate formy 30th birthday party. I created the signs in Word using their clipart, printed them on yellow paper that I’ve had for years, and...