Since the dawn of modern science one question has continued to elude mankind's search for answers: magnets... how do they work? It's a good thing we've got Magnet Kid, a puzzle platformer by Strange Studios to help us muddle through the magnetic mystery. As the titular polarity-switching...
At the IndieWeb Camp San Diego 2023 in December they had a magnetic board with letters on it and I spelled out the camp name. It didn’t have enough letters so I used other magnetic kid toys to make it work. I didn’t take a photo. Oops. It was fun. (Edit: gRegor got some ...
6. We will return with further practical information regarding the two events. An expanded version of the announcementcan be found here. (See alsothis addendum.) While I am not on the IMU Executive Committee and thus not privy to their deliberations, I have been in contact with several membe...
It is so easy to be plugged into work at all times. There is always work to be done, there are always emails to answers, or new ideas to find, but often what we assume will only take a small amount of time, do not when we add up all of the extra minutes we use “just checkin...
Geometry Bulletin Board George Shakan Girl's Angle God Plays Dice Good Math, Bad Math Graduated Understanding Hydrobates I Can't Believe It's Not Random! I Woke Up In A Strange Place Igor Pak's blog Images des mathématiques In theory Infinitely more James Colliander's Blog Jérôme Buzz...
I’ll work through it more or less section by section. My own interests have tended to be predominantly in the economic arguments – best encapsulated (but not exclusively so) in the question “has our immigration policy been adding, over the medium term, to the level of GDP per capita, ...
something I guess I’m going to have to work on. So as it was, I didn’t have a good opening with which to casually strike up a conversation while standing in line for lunch or the coffee bar or during breaks in the lobby. I got the impression they generally wanted to be left alo...
Bullets on the Bulletin Board: “You don’t have to turn everything into a Thomas Cruise film.” “Do what I do: embrace the mess.”“You have a bagel stuck to your sweater.” “He Said, She Said” Original Airdate: February 28, 2019 In the latest episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine,...
Bulletin board at the Lutheran chuch philg FromUniversity Lutheran Churchin Harvard Square. Small sign to fit small window: Why don’t black lives matter enough for a big banner down the side of the building? Ever wonder about the difference between “use” and “utilize”? This sign should...
Lent Cometh: Perhaps Everything You’ll Ever Need to Know to Have the Best Lent Ever– By Kendra from Catholic All Year – Kendra has so many good posts with ideas for Lent, and this one has links to all of them. Simple Lenten Traditions for Families (With Little to No Prep Work)by...