Benton^, Jim
Result date:TheNIFTdecidesNIFT 2025 result date. You can check the latest result date above in the NIFT Entrance Examination dates calendar. Also keep checking for any new updates on the same. Result link:You can get the direct link to checkNIFT Keep your ...
The COleDateTime class uses the Gregorian calendar; it does not support Julian dates. COleDateTime ignores Daylight Saving Time. (See Date and Time: Automation Support.)Note You can use the %y format to retrieve a two-digit year only for dates starting at 1900. If you use the %y format on...
The COleDateTime class uses the Gregorian calendar; it does not support Julian dates. COleDateTime ignores Daylight Saving Time. (See Date and Time: Automation Support.)Note You can use the %y format to retrieve a two-digit year only for dates starting at 1900. If you use the %y format on...