†Present address: Stanford University, Department of Biology, 450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA, USA 94305, USA. ‡Present address: University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Amherst, MA, USA 01003. §Present address: University of Maryland, College Park,...
The adrenal glands of 12 anencephalic fetuses and 17 normal fetuses of 11 to 21 weeks' gestation were examined histometrically. The volume of the adrenal gland occupied by the fetal zone in the anencephalic fetuses was 57.5% compared with 76.5% in normal fetuses. The fetal zone in anencephal...
Subject 103-1 is a 30-year-old woman who had normal skin through 6 months of age (Supplementary Figure S1b online), after which darkening of the inner thighs was noted, followed by development of a thick scale, which began on the knees, elbows, hands, and feet and then progressively sp...
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a serious ocular complication that can pose a serious risk to a patient’s vision and overall health. Currently, the automatic grading of DR is mainly using deep learning techniques. However, the lesion information in DR imag
secretion. Nevertheless, OI patients can be also characterized by extraskeletal manifestations such as dentinogenesis imperfecta, muscle weakness, cardiac valve and pulmonary abnormalities and skin laxity. In this review, we provide an overview of the available zebrafish models for both dominant and ...
The FL Female and FL Male mate and produce embryos, which develop to iL3 through post free-living L1 (PFL L1); iL3 infect the host by skin penetration and develop to P Female [2]. The complex life cycle of S. stercoralis and lack of knowledge about its developmental biology has ham-...
2. Today, quantitative phase imaging (QPI), an extension of phase microscopy, is a very active area of research that has led to many advancements in biology, including quantification of cellular structures below a nanometer, the characterization of cell mass transport and minute...Read full ...
Staphylococcus aureusis a common opportunistic pathogen found in the nasal mucosa of 20–40% of the human population, playing a key role in spreading hospital and community-acquired infections [3]. The spectrum of diseases caused by this bacterium ranges from mild skin infections such as impetigo...
The presented studies evaluate for the first time the efficiency of tumour classification based on the quantitative analysis of ultrasound data originating from the tissue surrounding the tumour. 116 patients took part in the study after qualifying for biopsy due to suspicious breast changes. The RF ...
Currently, research in the molecular and cell biology of the eye holds promise for more effective management of heritable eye disorders and provides hope for therapy and, ultimately, cure for some genetic disorders. As vision is the most important sense for general development and education. The ...