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Nonlinear features and mean reversion mechanism research based on the basis of stock index futures基差三阶段门限自回归模型均值回复非线性只有当股指期货与现货之间的基差足够大到能够补偿交易成本时,指数套利者才会进入市场进行套利.利用三阶段门限自回归模型研究了我国股指期货市场的非线性特征及均值...
Nadex binary options, call spread and Knock Out™ contracts cover an array of underlying markets, including commodity futures, equity index futures and spot forex rates. Nadex offers day traders the opportunity to speculate on the following markets without owning the underlying asset:...
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use futures_util::StreamExt; use node_semver::Version; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::{path::PathBuf, time::Duration}; use tokio::{ fs::{remove_file, rename, File}, io::{AsyncWriteExt, BufReader}, }; use tokio_tar::Archive; use super::{node::*, OnProgress}; use super::{...
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eSignal offers equities, options, futures and index data directly from global exchanges with tick and historical data, forex and fixed income pricing and back testing and strategy analysis, and you can pick from direct access brokers with integrated trading and compatible third-party software. Reliab...
Patients used antidepressants, mainly SSRIs, with mean daily dosage of 49.74±28.42 mg of paroxetine index (n=59), mean daily dosage of anxiolytics 0.82±0.89 mg (n=22) of alprazolam index, and mean daily dosage of antipsychotics 1.40±1.45 mg (n=17) of risperidone index at the beginning...
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