The Moon itself was less important than the Sun in Gemini, standing opposite, because the Sun was picking up the long, hard Gemini stories told by Saturn and Uranus in that sign of the zodiac since May 1942. Put the Moon in context. The Moon’s sign is frequently far less important ...
In astrology, an ingress is when a planet, asteroid or Node enters a new zodiac sign. You can track this any time on my website, day to day. It’s amazing how often you will draw an Ace in Tarot and find that this is the precise hour that a heavenly body has just entered a new...
All these concepts swirl around Scorpio, the zodiac sign carefully chosen by the old astrologers to represent a very particular kind of sexual and financial relationship. A deadly serious one. These kinds of marriages will be right on the line when Uranus opposes Scorpio over a 7-year period....
Remarkably, this is exactly 10 Jupiter cycles, as this planet takes 12 years to come back to the same zodiac sign. Higher and Higher, Onwards and Upwards With Jupiter Jupiter comes to us from Ancient Rome where he was linked to flight of eagles. By the time we get to 1909 and Barnum ...