They are stored in feature classes in the Aeronautical Information System (AIS) data model that are named with the _C suffix. They are related to main features via the Master_Id attribute. Master_Id is a foreign key field that stores the GFID attribute value of the related main feature. ...
Byron W. RuffinAeronautical Chart & Information Centercoordinates of lunar features group i & ii solutionsMeyer, Donald L. and Ruffin, Byron W., Coordinates of Lunar Features Group I and II Solutions, ACIC Technical Paper No. 15, St. Louis: ACIC, March, 1965....
Side by side with the stabilized areas there are also some areas of uncompleted Alpine cycle with signs of transformation of the continental crust into the oceanic type. (Author)Emelyanov, E. MAeronautical Chart and Information Center St Louis Mo Linguistic Section...