15.Though having the general characteristics of administrative law, yet it in the sources of law and in content and in legislation has its own unique feafures.民族行政法虽然也具有行政法的一般特点,但在法律渊源、容和立法上又有其自身的特色。 16.a chameleon camouflages itself by changing colour变色...
NEW YORK, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) -- "Standards of living, the rule of law, and science and technology" are "three core features" of China's historic development in its 75-year journey from one of the world's poorest countries to a global economic powerhouse, Robert Lawrence Kuhn, chairman of...
1.2Theclassificationoflegaldocuments Thelegaldocumentscanbeclassifiedintomanycategories,suchasdecree(法令),agreement(协议),contract(合同),treaty(契约),judgment(判决),ruling(裁定)andsoon.Register Law publiclaw privatelaw Theprivatelawisalsocalled'civillaw'whichdeterminesaperson’slegalrightsandobligationsinmany...
This study aims to analyze the case law of the ECJ and ECHR on the nature of administrative sanctions and their relation to criminal law. Also, some important criteria used by different Member States...
British ConstitutionParliamentary government, Rule of Law, legislative procedure, single citizenship, cabinet system,prerogative writs,doctrine of pleasure,parliamentary privileges and bicameralism. American ConstitutionFundamental rights, independence of the judiciary, judicial review,impeachmentof the president,rem...
Administrative Divorce. The Divorce Certificate - a Legislative Omission. Analysis and de Lege Ferenda Proposal In this paper, we analyse the concept of civil status, especially divorce, as proved by a divorce certificate, which is ignored by the law on civil status ... L Cetean-Voiculescu -...
To lead the United Nations system and support national Governments upon their request in the development and implementation of environmental rule of law with attention at all levels to mutually supporting governance features, including information disclosure, public participation, implementable and enforceable...
Administrative Precedent in the Field of Competition Law: Commentary on the Constitutional Court Judgement C-537 from 2010 (El Precedente Administrativo En... This document contains a constructive critique of Decision C 鈥 537 of the Colombian Constitutional Court. It deals particularly with the argume...
She finds it particularly rewarding to produce content that provides small-business owners with practical tips and helpful advice on topics such as the digitalization of small businesses, eCommerce trends, and HR developments. Armed with a double bachelor’s in law (LL.B.) and business economics...
An issue of great complexity is which branches of law (considering system of law as a whole) belong to the public law, and which ones – to the private. E. g., constitutional, administrative, criminal, international public law belong to the public, whilst civil, family, labor, ...