Erfahren Sie mehr über Microsoft Edge-Gaming-Funktionen wie Clarity Boost, den Effizienzmodus, eine Gaming-Startseite, die Integration von Xbox-Konten und mehr.
Startup boost and Efficiency mode together optimizes performance in Microsoft Edge. Startup boost launches the browser faster and Efficiency mode redistributes system resources to improve performance when playing a PC game. Learn more clarity-boost Experience clearer and crisper visuals Improve the vi...
Microsoft Edge allows users to clear browsing data. This can be found in option found in Settings -> Privacy, search and services. Users can selectively choose which information they wish to clear, and a time range, such as the hour, or the last day of activity. Types of infor...
To enlarge a single web page in Microsoft Edge, select Settings and more and then choose Zoom in , Zoom out , or Full screen . Or use the following keyboard shortcuts: Press this To do this Ctrl + plus sign (+) Zoom in by 25% Ctrl + minus sign (-) Zoom out...
Microsoft Edge IDE integration Accessibility in Microsoft Edge DualEngine Videos about web development with Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge Privacy Whitepaper The Web We Want initiative Download PDF Save Add to Collections Add to plan Share via
In Windows 11 all accessibility features can be found on a single settings page in Microsoft Edge. Go to Settings and more > Settings > Accessibility .Make text larger To enlarge a single web page in Microsoft Edge, select Settings and more and then choose Zoom in , Zoom out , or Full ...
To turn an experiment on or off in Microsoft Edge:To open DevTools, right-click the webpage, and then select Inspect. Or, press Ctrl+Shift+I (Windows, Linux) or Command+Option+I (macOS). DevTools opens. In DevTools, on the main toolbar, click the Customize and control DevTools () ...
Experimental features in Microsoft Edge DevTools Share enhanced performance and memory traces Tools Command Menu and keyboard shortcuts Settings and customization UI Remote debugging Accessibility Sample code for DevTools Use DevTools in Internet Explorer mode (IE mode) ...
New to Microsoft Edge in Windows 10 build 10158 is the ability to add a Home button. To get it, go to Settings > Advanced Settings and turn on Show the Home button. Here you can also set your homepage. Microsoft Edge allows you to import bookmarks from other browsers installed on your...
Scroll down and check “Microsoft Edge Insider” section. Click “Learn more” button to open the website and find the details of available testing versions. Microsoft Edge Insider Section in Edge Settings As mentioned, you will see the details of Beta, Dev and Canary versions of Edge Insider...