FeaturePlot()是首选,然后12个samples挤在一起,根本看不到图,只呈现x-y轴和挤在一起的title。于是我用了ncol 参数,但是这个参数在featurePlot() 根本无效。这里需要make一下,出现这样的问题还是应该去Seurat官网找寻说明书。。。在浪费一些时间之后,我发现了有团队推出了FeaturePlot_scCustom() function, 请移步http...
First of all, thanks for the great package! I have observed a bug that did't always appear, so I wan't sure what the issue was at first. But I have a reproducible example here now. When using FeaturePlot_scCustom along with the split.by ...
Hi Sam, I am using Iterate_FeaturePlot_scCustom for genes differentially expressed in my WT and KO clusters. When I use split.by the plots in the pdf files are very compressed horizontally and there doesn't seem to be a way to widen them. I tried to use return_plots = TRUE so that ...