An overview of the Features toolset Add XY Coordinates Adjust 3D Z Bearing Distance To Line Calculate Geometry Attributes Check Geometry Copy Features Delete Features Dice Feature Envelope To Polygon Feature To Line Feature To Point Feature To Polygon Feature Vertices To Points Geodetic Densify Minimum...
如果使用 DANGLE 選項,輸出圖層將會被額外添加一欄DANGLE_LEN,單位和輸入圖層本身的單位相同,表示線的長度。如果那條線獨立一條的話,DANGLE_LEN就會等同於線長度本身;如果那條線有一端和別人相連,DANGLE_LEN的數值就會是從端點到相連處的長度。
次のスタンドアロン スクリプトは、FeatureVerticesToPoints (フィーチャの頂点 → ポイント) 関数をスクリプティング環境に適用する単純な例を示しています。# Name: # Description: Use FeatureVerticesToPoints function to get the mid-points # of inpu...
选中加载的文件点击右键,选择open Attribute table,之后在table中选择一行,点击右键zoom to,看到指示点的位置,再点击工具栏的“放大镜加号”,一点点将图形放大到合适大小。 步骤三:点击工具栏中的工具箱Arctoolbox,最终找到Featureverticeto points双击左键,在对话框中选择shape files的位置,并选择保存路径,最后点击OK...
(3)在ArcToolbos中依次找到Data Management Tools—>Features—>Feature Vertices To Points,双击将其打开。 (4)在Feature Vertices To Points对话框中,Input Features选择矢量化的等值线图;Output Feature Class中设置生成的点文件存储路径和名称;Point Type选择All,点击OK即可将线转为点。
1. 要素定点到点 ... Feature To Polygon 要素到多边形Feature Vertices To Points要素定点到点Multipart To Singlepart 多部分到单部分 ...|基于8个网页 2. 要素顶点到点 ArcToolbox使用之二——Data... ... 9.Feature to polygon( 要素到面): 10.Feature Vertices to Points(要素顶点到...
featureverticestopoints_management 特征点到点管理是指在计算机视觉和图像处理中,将图像中的特征点转换为点的管理和处理过程。特征点是图像中具有独特性质的点,通常用于图像匹配、目标检测、图像配准等应用中。 在特征点到点管理中,我们首先需要从图像中提取特征点。特征点可以是角点、边缘点、斑点等图像中的显著点,...
Feature classes and tables are created with 32-bit ObjectIDs. To migrate a dataset's ObjectID field to 64-bit ObjectIDs, theMigrate Object ID To 64-Bittool must be used. If you create a line feature class in a geodatabase, an additional field is added to the feature class automatically...
Maximum Vertices Per Polygon Feature (Optional) The vertex limit used to subdivide a polygon into smaller polygons. This parameter produces similar output as that created by theDicetool in the Data Management toolbox. If left empty, the output polygons will not be split. This is the default....
The Circle tool creates planar circular features using the pointer or numeric values to specify a center and a radius, or three points defining a circumference. The feature is automatically finished when all measurements are fully defined.