We want to temporarily block users from upgrading to 24H2 until we have time to test core applications, such as security and VPN software. I tried the registry method found in this article -Specify Target Feature Update Version in Windows 11 Tutorial | Windows 11 Forum (elevenfor...
We want to temporarily block users from upgrading to 24H2 until we have time to test core applications, such as security and VPN software. I tried the...
Please wait for a feature update to be available for your device. Windows Update is downloading the latest version of Windows 11. After the downloading process is completed, please click [Restart now]⑤ to start to install the latest version of Windows 11. Note: It will take some time ...
September 2023 - KB5030310 Feature Update to Windows 11, version 23H2 This feature also has a permanent control: CSP: ./User/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Experience/AllowWindowsSpotlight Group Policy: User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Cloud Content\Turn off all Windows spotlig...
downtime. This enables devices to take advantage of new features now. For version 22H2 devices that receive updates directly from Windows Update or Windows Server Updates Services (WSUS), devices automatically get the enablement package by ins...
Microsoft has announced that it will introduce a new [Windows Protected Print Mode] feature in Windows 11 version 24H2 or later and Windows Server 2025. Customers using earlier versions may also be automatically updated through Windows update, etc. ...
内核模式显示微型端口驱动程序 (KMD) 调用DXGKCB_QUERYFEATURESUPPORT来查询操作系统是否允许它启用对功能的支持。 从 Windows 11 版本 24H2 (WDDM 3.2) 开始,此端口驱动程序回调函数已替换为DXGK_FEATURE_INTERFACE。 语法 C++ DXGKCB_QUERYFEATURESUPPORT DxgkcbQueryfeaturesupport;NTSTATUSDxgkcbQueryfeaturesupport( ...
Vor dem Aktualisieren auf Windows 11 Version 23H2 mithilfe eines Aktivierungspakets müssen Sie Windows 11 Version 22H2 ausführen. Die folgende erforderliche Komponente muss installiert sein, bevor Sie dieses Update anwenden können:
Create and manage Intune policy for Windows feature updates. Configure and deploy policy to maintain the Windows feature version of Windows 10/11 devices you manage with Microsoft Intune.
This enables devices to take advantage of new features now. For version 22H2 devices that receive updates directly from Windows Update, devices automatically get the enablement package by installing the feature update to Windows 11, version 23H2. What's new in Windows 11, version ...