由于后续导出Training Set和同步数据都需要使用SDK,所以如果选择控制台操作的方式,完成控制台配置后,仍需要使用FeatureStore Python SDK。 方式一:控制台操作 创建FeatureStore项目 登录PAI控制台,在左侧导航栏单击数据准备 > 特征平台(FeatureStore)。 选择工作空间后,单击进入FeatureStore。 在项目页签,单击新建项目,在...
Set the description of this configuration setting. FeatureFlagConfigurationSettingsetDisplayName(String displayName) Set the display name of this configuration setting. FeatureFlagConfigurationSettingsetEnabled(boolean isEnabled) Set the boolean indicator to show if the setting is turn...
Product name:Speaker set Note that theVersionfield is automatically set by using the product version number rule that you set up earlier. SelectOKto create the product and close the dialog box. The details page for the new product is opened. Notice that values are already filled in for some...
the attributes from all input entries will be maintained in the output in the order they appear in the input list. A new field, FID_xxx, where xxx is the source feature class name of a particular input entry, will be added to the output for each input entry and set to the source fea...
Feature sets would have to be globally unique by name If no project is set, all features that are created enter a global project If a project is set, each feature created will have its project set. Retrieval based on feature set is allowed again. Pros The retrieval API is simplified and...
headers#include<QFuture>#include<QMouseEvent>#include<QUrl>#include<QUuid>usingnamespaceEsri::ArcGISRuntime;namespace{// Convenience RAII struct that deletes all pointers in given container.structFeatureEditListResultLock{FeatureEditListResultLock(constQList<FeatureEditResult*>& list) :results(list) ...
It's used to set the interval of the modifier. And interval effects will be triggered every X seconds. Add("IntervalDamage") .Interval(1) .Effect(new DamageEffect(5), EffectOn.Interval); Duration Next is Duration(float). It's used to set the duration of the duration effects. It's ...
namespaceEsri::ArcGISRuntime {classMap;classMapQuickView;classLabelDefinition;classFeatureLayer; Add the declarations for methods you will create. Display_a_map.h Expand Use dark colors for code blocks private:Esri::ArcGISRuntime::MapQuickView*mapView()const;voidsetMapView(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Ma...
Once publishing is enabled, you will follow a four-step process to set up variations, as follows: Determine how pages are rolled out to variation sites. Create labels for source and target sites. Create the variation hierarchy. Author and publish. ...
All related reports (i.e. “Set Period Trans. Nos.”, “Account - Official Acc. Book”) are remains with its functionality without any UI changes. Reference Information Important Notice to Customers We recommend that you contact your Microsoft D...