第一种FeatureService.UpdateFeature()是更底层的API,适用于MapGuide OpenSource 1.0以来的所有版本。为了简化图层对应的数据源的操作,比如在某图层上增加一些要素,后来的MapGuide版本中提供了新的API -- MgLayer.UpdateFeature(). 不过从概念上来讲,图层本身并不包含数据,图层只是数据源的一种表现形式,真正的数据是保...
Display subtype feature layer Feature collection layer Feature collection layer from portal Feature collection layer query Dictionary renderer with feature layer Feature layer extrusion Feature layer (feature service) Feature layer (geodatabase) Feature layer (GeoPackage) Feature layer query Feature layer re...
4. 创建矢量图层 // 创建矢量图层,并设置样式constvectorLayer=newol.layer.Vector({source:vectorSource,// 使用原始矢量数据源style:function(feature){constgeometry=feature.getGeometry();letstyle;if(geometryinstanceofol.geom.Point){style=newol.style.Style({image:newol.style.Circle({radius:7,fill:newo...
editing capabilities, I'd have to add the feature service layer, but if I simply want our users to have the ability to search for a layer and add it to a web map in ArcGIS Online, is using a numbered map service layer sufficient, or does a numbered feature service layer offer a...
After you check the option to publish, choose Add Item. You’ll see an animated graphic indicating the service is being created. When completed you’ll find both the original files and the corresponding feature layers in My Content. Below are shown the .csv and shapefile that we added, alon...
需要解释解释Layer了。这里的Layer指是一个由同种要素(Feature)组合在一起的'层'。相当于在ESRI定义的模型中的要素类(FeatureClass),也可能相当于一个要素数据集(FeatureDataSet)。总之是要素的集合。 关于要素数据集,Modeling our world这样
应该可以使用客户端方式或服务端方式对feature layer 进行属性、空间或者统计查询。被查询的feature layer 可以托管在ArcGIS Online或ArcGIS Enterprise上,或者也可以通过客户端进行创建。 服务端查询:feature layer 不并加载在地图上就可进行查询,可通过FeatureLayer对象的queryFeatures方法进行查询。 客户端查询:只有feature ...
Once you have aFeature Layeritem, you can access the definition of the feature service that sources the item. First, import theFeatureLayerCollectionclass. This class contains a method calledfromitem(), which returns an instance of aFeatureLayerCollectionobject. ...
Create links and view links from work items to model elements. Create layer diagrams from C or C++ code and validate dependencies. Write code to modify layer diagrams and to validate code against layer diagrams.IMPORTANT!Requires either VS Ultimate, VS Premium or Test Professional with an MSDN ...
环境:物理机 pro1.4;虚拟机 (server + datastore + portal + adaptor) 10.4.1 发布场景服务,正常情况应portal中查看,应包含四部分内容:Service Difinition + Feature Layer + Scene Layer + Web