One-way a classical webapp, client sends data and receives an answer based on the data. Dexie.Syncable could be used for one of two-way sync but its actual purpose is two-way I would say. If you just need one-way it is probably simpler to either use a hook on the table to get ...
The .NET XML configuration variables feature is one of the .NET configuration features you can enable as you define the steps in your deployment process. This feature can be enabled for package deploy steps. Octopus will extract your package and parse your *.config files looking for any ...
Append or add the JVM_SUPPORT_RECOMMENDED_ARGS in <BITBUCKET_INSTALL>/bin/ on Bitbucket node with the following value JVM_SUPPORT_RECOMMENDED_ARGS="-Dcom.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool.timeout=30000" Restart the Bitbucket application to apply the updated JVM arguments.Issue...