2 Feature Pyramid Grids 2.1 Backbone pathway(主干通道) 主干通道可以是用于图像分类的任何卷积神经网络的层次特征表示。该通路与FPN中自下而上的通路相同。它从输入图像到输出的逐步缩小尺度特征映射。在FPN中,相同尺度的特征张量属于一个网络阶段,特征张量的空间步长从前到后逐渐增大。 2.2 Pyramid pathways(金字塔通...
Feature Pyramid Grids (FPG) a deep multi-pathway feature pyramid network that represents the feature scale-space as a regular grid of parallel pathways fused by multi-directional lateral connections between them. FPG enriches the hierarchical feature representation built internally in the backbone pathway...
在目标检测领域,一种新型的特征金字塔网络——FPG(Feature Pyramid Grids)以其卓越的性能超越了FPN、NAS-FPN等经典架构。由商汤、港中文大学(陈恺、林达华)、南洋理工大学和FAIR团队合作研发,该技术已在CVPR上发布,展现了其在复杂性控制和性能提升方面的优势。FPG的设计核心在于构建一个多路径、深度...
xy表示两个矢量 PyramidMatch用来计算xy之间的appriosimate correspondence.通过placing a sequence of increasingly coarser grids over the feature space and taking a weighted sum of the number of matches that occur at each level of resolution. Match means they fall into the same cell. Resolution counts...
The feature information used for detecting small and medium-sized objects are intertwined at the lower level (P2) of the FPN. Though different levels of the pyramid contain size-specific object information, current feature fusion methods usually neglect high-resolution shallow layers, resulting in dif...
The grid at the center of the bounding box was found, and the other grids were penalized by the loss function. The output of the improved YOLOV3 network is the tensor of 13*13*125. Therefore, the target tensor of the loss function is of the size 13*13*125. The number 125 comes ...
employs a feature pyramid network and a context fusion network to perform target identification under low-light situations, which improves the network's feature extraction capability. Although the aforementioned method solves the problem to some extent, in excessively complicated situations, such as extrem...
Then these features are fed into the feature pyramid network and Mix-MLP layer to yield powerful representations without changing sizes. Subse- quently, these features are compressed in parallel, keeping the horizontal dimension unchanged and compressing the vertical one, and keeping th...
In detail, we compute the correspond- ing depth map using the coarse matching result and leverage the depth information to crop adaptive size grids from the high-resolution feature maps for fine matching. The contributions of our method could be summarized into three-f...
Feature pyramid grids. arXiv 2020, arXiv:2004.03580. [Google Scholar] Gong, Y.; Yu, X.; Ding, Y.; Peng, X.; Zhao, J.; Han, Z. Effective fusion factor in FPN for tiny object detection. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, Online, 5...