"The mission's work will focus on clearing up the site of unwanted grass and plants, surveying the precinct to locate its borders, studying the blocks with inscriptions to rearrange them and fix them in their right places then conducting the necessary reparation," he told Xinhua. The mission'...
Observed plants include a seed and apple, and a seed and 2 alrunia antidotes; summoned monsters noticed have included giant bee warriors, giant centipedes, giant ant workers and claw bugs. It's of a dark-haired woman wearing a toga and holding out a golden apple "Kallisti" Wait on See...
You now need to be a vassal of the Westerlands to start the quest: Hear me Roar. You can get it from Tywin Lannister. You now need to be a vassal of the Vale to start the quest: The Winged Brotherhood. You can get it from Nestor Royce. You now need to be a vassal of the Nor...