Below the meander 4 km to the Bullpasture River, bedrock is the Devonian clastics, and any streamflow is again only from tributaries. The most likely resurgence of the Cowpasture is Coursey (Meadow) Spring, which supplies water to a state fish hatchery. If true, then the underground Cow...
Some Disney films have charming talking animals, sweet romances, memorable songs, and thrilling bad guys. And some Disney films try to offer all of those elements and fail miserably. Such is the case withThe Aristocats, in which a domesticated animal falls in love with a fellow member of the...
There are sections on the movie theater’s role as a secular version of religion, a sacred space where strangers congregate to escape or confront themselves and their world, and sections on the basics of composition and what the position of objects within the frame does to your sympathies. Som...
During Book Group Expo events over the past four years, Kent says, countless readers have shared just how vital book clubs, as members often call them (although the term can also refer to a subscription-based form of book sales, as in Book-of-the-Month Club), are to their sense of we...
Precise tuning of geometry parameters is an important consideration in the design of modern microwave passive components. It is mandatory due to limitations of theoretical design methods unable to quantify certain phenomena that are important for the ope
A compact coupler design using meandered line compact microstrip resonant cell (MLCMRC) and bended lines. Wirel. Netw. 2021, 27, 677–684. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Pirasteh, A.; Roshani, S.; Roshani, S. Compact microstrip lowpass filter with ultrasharp response using a square-loaded ...
As his narrative digressed and meandered all over Hellnback, his eyes grew wide and wild, his mole took on the aura of a third eye, his laughter soared and his voice blasted like a 10-piece Banda Sinaloense on steroids. We slid into sheer silliness, buoyant with...
– are as comforting as they are confusing. The bigger the group the more the gobbledegook. Simply put, debates can be meaningful and focused when numbers are small, but results dissipate and issues meander as membership grows and, with it, the range of opinion, ignorance, and peevishness....
The 'best player in the world' against a deep field, tough course Both Korda and Lilia Vu -- who won the year's first major -- were asked this week who they thought the best player in the world was right now. Korda meandered her way through an answer before lan...
A compact coupler design using meandered line compact microstrip resonant cell (MLCMRC) and bended lines. Wirel. Netw. 2021, 27, 677–684. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Shukla, N.K.; Mayet, A.M.; Vats, A.; Aggarwal, M.; Raja, R.K.; Verma, R.; Muqeet, M.A. High speed ...