See the feature story definition, explore its different types, and view feature story examples. Discover the feature story format and learn how to...
Lead readers into the story Start your feature stories and feature articles with a bang. Draw readers in with concrete, creative, provocative leads.
Define feature story. feature story synonyms, feature story pronunciation, feature story translation, English dictionary definition of feature story. n. the most prominent story in a magazine, usu. the cover story. Random House Kernerman Webster's Colleg
Real-life examples: Elaborately colored tail feathers are peacocks’ most well-knownfeature. Earth has manyfeatures, such as a particular atmosphere, abundance of water, and temperature that make it able to sustain life. Platypuses have manyfeaturesthat are unusual in mammals, such as a bill and...
This kind of feature story focuses not on a single crime, drug-induced death, or meth-related arrest; instead, it briefly tells the story of one or more of the above-mentioned characters, such as recovering meth addicts. The news feature seeks to put a human face on a crime statistic to...
"A lifelike prosthetic eye is a result of the pursuit of details," Xintong said. Even a slight difference in a few strokes can lead to inaccurate positioning of the iris or color deviation, according to Xintong. Having only monocular vision, Xintong often damaged materials in the grinding pro...
The vivid narration provided by these two children also aroused the curiosity of other students, and inspired more children in the mountainous area to dream of exploring the universe and flying high in service of the motherland. The story of the two young "star" chasers has ignited great passio...
feature writing(the lead)Ingredientsoffeaturewriting thelead(Introduction)DifferentTypesofLeads Therearedifferenttypesofleads.Generallyspeaking,theycanbegroupedintotwocategories–theSummaryLead,whichusuallygivesthestory’smaintopicanditsmostimportantfacts,andtheDelayedlead,whichiscommonlyusedinfeaturewriting A.The...
Some examples for the pig story: o Tailgate the pig lay snoring in the middle of Interstate94, oblivious to the fire trucks and squad cars that had gathered around him.o Geoffrey Saint never could have imagined what he'd meet inthe middle of Interstate 94 during his drive to church Sunday...
: The lead, or the first sentence of the story, is arguably the most important part of the article. Based on the content of that first sentence, a reader will either look deeper into the story, or move on to the next one. Therefore, how you craft your lead is very important. There...