晚融合(Late fusion):通过结合不同层的检测结果改进检测性能(尚未完成最终的融合之前,在部分融合的层上就开始进行检测,会有多层的检测,最终将多个检测结果进行融合)。这一类研究思路的代表有两种: (1)feature不融合,多尺度的feture分别进行预测,然后对预测结果进行综合,如Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD) , Mul...
然后我们用预训练好的XLNet做词嵌入,并总结了9个和用户文本,社交表现,图片相关的统计特征。我们提出了一个网络叫Multimodal Feature Fusion Network (MFFN),把上面提到的不同信息的特征结合起来。在测试集上有96.85的F1-Score。 Introduction Contributions: 1. 建立了大规模抑郁症数据集WU3D,每个用户样本包括了用户的...
Hierarchical Feature Fusion (HFF) is a feature fusion method employed in ESP and EESP image model blocks for degridding. In the ESP module, concatenating the outputs of dilated convolutions gives the ESP module a large effective receptive field, but it introduces unwanted checkerboard or gridding...
To address this issue, we propose AMFF, an attention-based multi-feature fusion method for intention recognition. In this paper, we enrich short text features by fusing features extracted from frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF), convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and long short-term...
feature fusion is to reduce the size of the features and remove noisy features. It can also combine two or more attributes of different domains and remove the problem of dimensionality curse. The success of the feature fusion method lies in the selection process of the relevant features to ...
The proposed feature fusion method can be added to all object detector, such as the one-stage detector, the two-stage detector, anchor-based detector and anchor-free based detector. Experimental results on the COCO 2014 dataset show that the proposed AMF module performs the popular FPN based ...
Gate-controlled feature fusion method (GFFM) Following the dual-dense feedback network, we introduced three sets of gate-controlled feature fusion modules to finely control the flow of information. Comparative experiments based on gate-controlled feature fusion are shown in Table6. ...
Kernel-based feature fusion methods are very effective for classification, but they do not reduce data dimensionality. In this brief, we propose an effective feature fusion method using locally linear embedding (LLE). The proposed method overcomes the limitations of LLE, which could not handle ...
网络特征融合 网络释义 1. 特征融合 基于多层次... ... 6.3.1投票法( voting rule) 4.2.1特征融合(feature fusion) 4.2.2主分量分析( principal component analysis) ... www.verylib.com.cn|基于5个网页 例句 释义: 全部,特征融合 更多例句筛选...
Asymmetric iterative attention feature fusion can obtain multi-scale information. This feature fusion method conveniently uses skip connection information, so it has better scalability. In addition, there is no manual parameter setting. ACAS2F2N overall architecture ...