在HAP中调用createModuleContext方法获取的Context是什么层级 如何获取当前HAP的BundleName 如何实现在不使用UIAbility的情况下,能够模块化管理代码,并且各个模块之间可以相互路由跳转 Entry模块的HAP和Feature模块的HAP在使用和功能上的区别是什么 在HSP export类时,ts文件是按.d.ts导出还是.d.ets导出 Stage模型...
explicit motion compensation The fTAN includes three modules: feature extraction module, Multi-scale Dilated Deformable (MDD) alignment module and attention module. 特征提取模块、多尺度扩张变形(MDD)对齐模块和注意力模块。 1)Feature Extraction Module: 特征提取模块: 由一个卷积层和 5 个带有 ReLU 激活函...
In this paper, a single-shot detector namely Attentional Feature Refinement and Alignment Network (AFRAN) is proposed for detecting aircraft in SAR images with competitive accuracy and speed. Specifically, three significant components including Attention Feature Fusion Module (AFFM), Deformable Lateral ...
它包含五个主要模块:(1)输入表示(Input Representations);(2) 跨模态对齐模块(Cross-Modal Alignment Module,CA); (3) 跨模态交互模块(Cross-Modal Interaction Module,CI); (4) 跨模态匹配模块(Cross-Modal Matching Module,CM); (5) 跨模态融合模块(可选)。 工作流程如下: 首先,通过BERT获得每个单词和整个...
1, our model can be decomposed into three sub-modules: feature extraction and alignment module, feature cross-fusion module, and classification module. We use a combination of advanced word embedding features and traditional hand-crafted features to represent peptide sequences. Token embedding, ...
Object detectors involving a NAS-gate convolutional module and capsule attention module Article Open access 10 March 2022 Efficient-CapsNet: capsule network with self-attention routing Article Open access 19 July 2021 Significant feature suppression and cross-feature fusion networks for fine-grained...
• We propose a new multi-frame feature fusion module based on the non-local attention mechanism, which combines the features from multiple previous frames for better reconstruction of the current frame. • Our framework FVC achieves the state-of-the-art performance ...
Finally, the temporal alignment and global context learning of sequence frame features are performed by a temporal feature fusion module to fully extract and utilize the useful spatio-temporal information in adjacent frames, resulting in better quality of the reconstructed video frames. Extensive ...
The official codes for ECCV 2024 Oral paper: 'DVLO: Deep Visual-LiDAR Odometry with Local-to-Global Feature Fusion and Bi-Directional Structure Alignment' Jiuming Liu, Dong Zhuo, Zhiheng Feng, Siting Zhu, Chensheng Peng, Zhe Liu, and Hesheng Wang ...
4Two-branch Speaker Control Module (TSCM) To enhance feature fusion beyond naive approaches described in the preliminaries, we aim for more efficient control of style, voice print, and semantic information from reference speech. This is critical for improving the effectiveness of sequence generation,...