Feature Driven Development(简称FDD)首先是在《Java Modeling in Color with UML》[Coad]的第六章中介绍的,我们已经在“四色原型”两篇文章中介绍了该书的前几章主要思想,现在我们来谈谈深刻影响我们项目工程的开发方式:特征驱动开发。 为什么需要FDD? FDD没有传统工程中冗长的设计过程,而是通过边设计边开发进行迭代...
与传统敏捷思想不同,FDD采用individual class ownership,而非collective方式管理源码,当然随着团队规模的扩大可以灵活加入collective ownership方式。当然FDD中并不会让individual class ownership而影响特征的完成进度。首先在FDD中,code ownership意味着职责而不是不让别人修改,代码所有者应当清楚自己负责的代码被修改了哪些东西...
Feature-driven development (FDD) is anAgile software developmentframework that organizes work around product features. FDD is known for its short iterations and frequent releases. LikeScrum--another Agile software development framework--FDD requires the customer, also known as theproject business owner,...
This creates differences in usefulness and roles in meetings. With Scrum, teams meet every day. With FDD, teams rely on the internal documentation which is exchanged as part of the project strategy. There are not as many meetings necessary when using Feature Driven Development (FDD). Another im...
What is Feature Driven Development? (FDD) Feature Driven Development (FDD) is anagile frameworkthat, as its name suggests, organizes software development around making progress on features. Features in the FDD context, though, are not necessarily product features in the commonly understood sense. Th...
本站一直倡导四色原型和领域驱动设计开发,与之相应的项目工程方法是FDD,这点在四色原型书籍中也提及,昨天dzone推出一篇FDD介绍文章:特征驱动开发(Feature-Driven Development) XP适合一个熟练的和有纪律的开发小团队。 但对于那些规模较大的项目和大型团队XP就是一个重大的挑战,这时FDD就比较适合。
今天研究了一下FDD,Feature Driven Develop,是软件敏捷开发模型的一种。FDD虽然没有XP、Scrum那么流行,但是我觉得在当今竞争更加激烈、更加注重产品品质时代,FDD应该得到更多关注。首先我觉得大部分的开源软件,都是采用FDD模型组织开发,比如Python语言就是围绕PEP来开发的。想实现一个特性,先写好PEP,大家通过之后,才去...
介绍了特征驱动开发(FDD)和彩色建模方法,结合实例阐述了如何将彩色建模技术融入FDD方法中。2. Feature-driven development(FDD) is a new method of the software engineering. 特征驱动开发是软件工程领域的一种新方法,与现有的方法相比,特征驱动开发使开发人员将注意力放在最能体现“客户价值”的核心模块上。更多...
This website is an archive of previous discussion about Feature Driven Development (FDD). Read About FDD These are some of the interesting discussions in this site. The Model, Architecture Layers link,link,link Maintenance, Refactoring and FDD ...
Feature-Driven Development(FDD) has become more prevalent in today's landscape, and for good reason! This is a lightweight Agile technique, manifest in a project structure where your code is organized by what it accomplishes (i.e. features), rather than lumping all modules of like types int...