Ribbon: Annotate tab Symbols panel Feature Control Frame Click to place in the graphics window, and then right-click and select Continue to open the Feature Control Frame dialog box. Note Adds a note in the top of the feature control frame symbol. Sym Specifies the tolerance symbol. Cl...
To Create a Feature Control Frame and Align to the Horizontal Landing of a DimensionNote: This operation is typically supported by the GOST standard (or any dimension style is configured to use a Horizontal text alignment and an Above vertical text placement). Click Annotate tabSymbols panelFeat...
You simply get the tolerance value as listed in the feature control frame regardless of the size that the feature is produced at. The goal here is functional assembly of your parts. For a hole in a part, it should make sense that as your hole increases in diameter you can also ...
11.Those conclusions are of clear geometric significance and global property.这些结论具有清晰的几何特征,而且属于整体微分几何性质。 12.Use to add a feature control frame. Attach geometric characteristic symbols to it.用于添加功能控制框。将几何特征符号附加到它。 13.Error Models for Geometric Features i...
11.Those conclusions are of clear geometric significance and global property.这些结论具有清晰的几何特征,而且属于整体微分几何性质。 12.Use to add a feature control frame. Attach geometric characteristic symbols to it.用于添加功能控制框。将几何特征符号附加到它。 13.Error Models for Geometric Features ...
The information it conveys, presented in symbols, modifiers and numeric values, is entered in the Properties panel.A Feature Control Frame offers symbol options and large number of elements that can be attached to specify manufacturing tolerances and constraints. Attached machining tolerances, such as...
Fix Debian symbols Dec 14, 2021 diameter Diameter: Update Verizon and Cisco AVPs from MR !3731 Sep 6, 2021 doc Documentation: simplify protocol tree function documentation intro Dec 22, 2021 docbook Build: 3.6.1 Dec 30, 2021 dtds
If you have layers from several different geodatabases, folders of shapefiles in a data frame, or data frames in a map document, ArcMap creates templates the first time you start editing in each workspace or data frame, if there are no existing templates. When templates are create...
Referenced by:Feature Reduction Properties PropertyDetails typeA string value indicating the feature reduction type. Valid value of this propertyselection Additional information This feature reduction type is only supported for point symbols with non-draped icon symbol layers at the moment. ...
The control is available in the Drop Lines tab of Plot Details dialog Select between Total Points Kept or Percentage of Points Skipped Select from multiple skip methods (Largest Triangle, Y-threshold, Data Distance Threshold, Douglas-Peucker-Hull, Largest Triangle for Segments) Skip symbols ...